Revenue Management Culture
Revenue Management should never just be about technology
At Right Revenue, we pride ourselves in being hospitality first and technology second. Whilst this might, at first, seem a strange way to describe a technology company, it has always been core to everything we do that we keep Hotels, Revenue Managers and Commercial Leaders at the forefront of every decision we make…we then ensure that the technology backs up those decisions. In short, we want to put you first.
This ethos has allowed us to provide our very valued hotel partners with not just a great software solution, but also a community of like-minded hoteliers; a way to retain the amazing talent they have, through training and mentorship and to offer support to ensure that our wonderful partners can implement a revenue culture throughout their entire organisation.
Introduction to Revenue Management Training
Delivered by the best in the business – Janel Clark. Revenue Manager. One of the most respected commercial leaders in the UK, turned educator, Janel has devised a bespoke one-day programme that is delivered exclusively to Right Revenue partners. The aim of this full day training is to break down departmental silos and ensure your whole team understands the impact that revenue management has on each department and also the impact that each department has on the ability to set rates. Teams end this day with an understanding of what revenue management is, why pricing is set the way it is and also the impact each department has on the hotels ability to drive profit.
Revenue Academy
Partnering with one of the UK’s top revenue training companies, Revenue by Design, Right Revenue enables your team to upskill with bite-size training, delivered through the Right Revenue platform. Split into two courses of 7 modules each (each module taking around 1.5 hours to complete), your teams can start with Basic Revenue Management learning and proceed to Advanced Revenue Management. Complete all 14 modules and your team members will become accredited with a CertRM qualification.
HOSPA is a world-renowned body that offers 3 levels of revenue professional development. Aimed at team members who are serious about progressing their career, this in-depth qualification will take your team members to degree-level. Three levels are offered: Foundation Certificate, Professional Certificate and Professional Diploma in Strategic Revenue Management. Each module takes around 3 months to complete and ensures your team members are recognised with one of the top industry accreditations.
Right Revenue puts a lot of value on the word ‘community’ and encourages all hotel partners to join a very active WhatsApp Forum. This forum is comprised of senior industry professionals with a strict ‘no suppliers / no consultants’ criteria. Members get to ask advice and share knowledge within a ‘safe space’ and ensure that they are at the forefront of everything that is cutting edge within the industry.
Revenue Rocks
Born out of our Right Revenue Community, Revenue Rocks offers exclusive membership discounts with many of our partner hotels. Imagine staying in some of the top hotels in the UK, Ireland and further afield, at heavily discounted rates… that is the power of the Right Revenue community.
Revenue Ready
This sits slightly outside the premise of training, mentoring and culture but our Revenue Ready initiative is often a vital part of ensuring that your total business is ready for the positive shift of implementing a Revenue Management culture. In real terms, being Revenue Ready means that we that we provide a revenue audit to ensure that you are ‘built for success.’ This audit will ensure that your segmentation/business sources/channel/rate type are designed around tried and tested industry standards whilst allowing for the flexibility of your own unique business needs. You can choose to opt for a one day remote session (which we recommend being split into 2 half days) or we can also ramp this up to 3 or 5 days support, depending on your individual needs.
We hope you agree…
Right Revenue was born from not only a passion of Revenue Management (by our Founder with over 25 years revenue experience) but also from an understanding that great Revenue Management is not just about technology and software. Great revenue strategies sit across all departments and all team members, and we feel that by supporting you to enable your amazing team to be excited about revenue is part of our job. We hope you agree that by building not only great revenue technology but also a strong revenue culture built on a foundation of training, mentoring and community, we get to truly support your total commercial success.
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About Right Revenue
Right Revenue helps independent hotels make dynamic price decisions and grow revenue through smart technology, useful data and accurate forecasting. Founded by Adrienne Hanna, after 25 years Revenue Management experience in the independent hotel sector, Right Revenue provides hotels with a user-friendly solution to a complex problem; therefore ensuring that independent hotels can operate on a level-playing field with the brands when it comes to having a strategic rate strategy.